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This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for some common Git commands and concepts. Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes in code repositories.

Git Concepts


A Git repository (repo) is a directory that contains all the files, history, and metadata for a project.

  • Create a new Git repository:

    git init
  • Clone an existing repository:

    git clone repository_url


A commit represents a snapshot of your project at a specific point in time.

  • Create a new commit:
    git commit -m "Commit message"


A branch is a parallel line of development in a Git repository.

  • Create a new branch:

    git branch branch_name
  • Switch to a branch:

    git checkout branch_name
  • Create and switch to a new branch:

    git checkout -b new_branch_name


A remote is a reference to a repository hosted on a remote server (e.g., GitHub, GitLab).

  • Add a remote repository:

    git remote add remote_name repository_url
  • List remote repositories:

    git remote -v


Pulling fetches changes from a remote repository and integrates them into the current branch.

  • Pull changes from a remote repository:
    git pull remote_name branch_name


Pushing sends your committed changes to a remote repository.

  • Push changes to a remote repository:
    git push remote_name branch_name


Merging combines changes from one branch into another.

  • Merge a branch into the current branch:
    git merge branch_name


A conflict occurs when Git can't automatically merge changes.

  • Resolve conflicts by editing the conflicting files and then committing the changes.

Git Command-Line

  • Check the status of your working directory and staged changes:

    git status
  • View the commit history:

    git log
  • Add changes to the staging area:

    git add file_name
  • Unstage changes from the staging area:

    git reset file_name
  • Discard changes in your working directory:

    git checkout -- file_name
  • Rename a file:

    git mv old_file_name new_file_name
  • Delete a file from the repository and working directory:

    git rm file_name
  • Show the differences between commits or branches:

    git diff


This cheat sheet covers some common Git commands and concepts. Git is a powerful version control system for managing code repositories; refer to the official Git documentation for more in-depth information and advanced usage.